Friday, May 18, 2018

Sunday 20 May 2018

Unknown Portuguese Artist, c. 1540-1550
Museu de Alberto Sampaio, GuimarĂ£es, Portugal

Whitsunday: The Day of Pentecost, Year B

with St. Dunstan Consort 

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)— Missa Super Komm, Heiliger Geist, TWV 9:10

Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745)— Sanctus, Agnus Dei, ZWV 26

Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652)— Veni sancte spiritus 


Altar Flowers – at the high altar are given by Ed Hooks to the glory of God and in honor of the occasion of the baptism of Nova Donna Freeman and the baptisms and first communions of William Kinloch and Tristan Kinloch.

Tudor Evensong for Pentecost – Today, Sunday 20 May, at 4:00 pm at the Society of Saint Margaret in Duxbury, MA, the All Saints' Choir of Men and Boys, under the direction of Andrew Sheranian, Vox Equalis, the Long & Away Viol Consort, and other musical friends will join forces to offer an Evensong following the form of the 1552 Book of Common Prayer. This service will feature William Byrd’s Great Service Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, Preces and Responses of Tompkins, and If ye be risen again with Christ by Orlando Gibbons. Free with a retiring collection. Tea will follow.

Parish Magazine – The Trinity issue of The S. Stephen has been mailed this week, and an email sent with a link to the online version. Extra hard copies are available in the Narthex. If you would like to be on our mailing and / or email lists, please fill out the form on the back of Parish Notes and give to an usher or member of the clergy.

Summer Book Discussion Group – Fr. Alexander is forming an online discussion group to read together Scott Gunn and Melody Shobe’s new book Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices –suitable both for those relatively new to our tradition and those who would like a refresher. Those interested in participating are asked to email the Rector; spaces are limited so please act quickly to reserve your place!

Brown Commencement Sunday – Next Sunday 27 May, we will offer Morning Prayer at 8:00 am, and Mass at 8:10 am and 10 am. You should be able to find parking within a few blocks of the church, but please note that there will be no parking on George Street between Prospect and Thayer Streets. If you wish to drop someone off, please note that traffic on George Street will be one way from the west between Brown and Thayer only. The stretch between Benefit and Brown Streets will be blocked off, so you must approach from Brown Street.

Commencement Visitors
– We are seeking volunteers who are willing to come on Friday 25 May, Saturday 26 May, and Sunday 27 May to sit in the church so that we may keep it open for visitors. If you would like to serve in this way, please let us know by sending email or calling the parish office at 421-6702, ext. 1.

Coffee Hour Rota – We need someone to take over the responsibility of organizing the rota of Coffee Hour hosts. Please speak to Fr. Alexander or Cathy Bledsoe if you might be interested.

The Parish Barbecue – is scheduled for Sunday 3 June (the Solemnity of Corpus Christi), which will also be the last regular choir Sunday of the season, and Sunday School Recognition. We need lots of volunteers to help with the setup, cooking, serving, and cleanup. Please call or email Susan in the parish office to sign up to help.

The Epiphany Soup Kitchen (ESK) Board – could use some more members from S. Stephen’s. If you would be interested in serving – or just learning more about what is involved – please contact Bruce Lennihan. (ESK is an independent non-profit corporation, hosted at but not part of the parish.)

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
– will be celebrated at Saint John’s, Newport, on Thursday 31 May as part of our continuing series of joint services. Fr. Alexander will be the preacher. All are cordially invited to attend.


Prayers have been requested for: Elizabeth, Richard, Norman, John, Shannah, Sister Carolyn, Lynne, William, Hannah, Kaitlyn, Mary, Gus, Leonard, Harrington, Joan, Elizabeth, Sally, Sandy, John, Phebe, Ed, Gregory, Richard, Colin, Sandy, Kiersten, Beverly, Jonathan, Zac, Deborah, Bryan, Angela, Bobby, Douglas, Beverly, Allora, Carlos, Betsy, Rhoda, William, James, and Louis.

Birthdays this week: Andrew Grover (Sunday 5/20), Davaughn Hooks (Monday 5/21), Bobby Rose (Tuesday 5/22), and Rose Callanan (Friday 5/25).

The faithful departed:
Year’s Mind: Martha S. Fearson (20 May 1987), Allen Burnett Williams (20 May 2010), Royal Martin Disley (21 May 2005), and Clinton Nickerson Williams II (21 May 1991). Recently Departed: Wayne Mionske, priest.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer – In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for the Diocese of Colorado - (VI, The Episcopal Church): The Rt. Rev’d Robert O'Neill.


Acolytes – MC R Noble; Subdeacon F Pisaturo; Thurifer J Starks; Crucifer D Malo; Torches J Ihnen, G Benziger
Lector – M Johnson
Ushers – Chris Martel and Simon Newby
Coffee Hour – Karl and Klara Benziger



Saturday 26 May
Epiphany Soup Kitchen 2:30 pm (Great Hall)


20 May
Morning Prayer 8:00 am
Low Mass 8:10 am
Solemn Procession and Mass with Holy Baptism 10:00 am

Daily Mass and Office Lectionaries: Proper 2, Year Two

Monday 21 May
The Blessed Virgin Mary: Mother of the Church (W / Blue)
Helena, Empress, Protector of the Holy Places, 330 (W)
Evening Prayer 5:30 pm
Low Mass 6:00 pm

Tuesday 22 May

Noonday Prayer 12:00 noon
Low Mass 12:10 pm

Wednesday 23 May
Vincent of Lerins, Priest, Teacher, 450 (W)
Evening Prayer 5:30 pm
Low Mass 6 pm

Thursday 24 May
Jackson Kemper, First Missionary Bishop in the United States, 1870 (W)
Noonday Prayer 12:00 noon
Low Mass 12:10 pm

Friday 25 May
The Venerable Bede, Priest, Monk, Scholar, Historian, 735 (W)
Gregory VII, Bishop of Rome, Reformer of the Church, 1085

Noonday Prayer 12:00 noon
Low Mass 12:10 pm

Saturday 26 May

Philip Neri, Founder of the Oratorians, 1595 (W)
Morning Prayer 9:30 am
Low Mass 10:00 am

27 May

Morning Prayer 8:00 am
Low Mass 8:10 am
Solemn Mass 10:00 am