Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sunday 20 January 2019 

The Wedding at Cana of Galilee, 1910. Fiske Window (detail); 
Narthex of S. Stephen’s Church in Providence, RI; 
Made by Kempe Studios, London, England.


Our Lord’s miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee ranks as one of the great epiphanies showing forth his identity as the incarnate Son of God. Saint John the Evangelist, author of the Fourth Gospel, describes it as the first of Jesus’ “signs.” As such, the story is replete with multilayered symbolism: the marriage of heaven and earth; the abundant food and free-flowing wine of the messianic banquet. Most of all, this episode highlights Mary, the mother of Jesus. When the wine gives out, she brings the problem to her Son’s attention. Join us this Sunday as we explore this Gospel’s picture of Mary’s role as Intercessor and exemplar of Christian prayer. – Fr. John D. Alexander


Second Sunday after the Epiphany (Year C)
Psalm 36:5-10
Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11


Healey Willan (1880-1968) – Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena


Welcome to S. Stephen’s – especially to our visitors and guests! We’re glad to have you with us. Please join us for Coffee Hour following the 10 a.m. Mass in the Great Hall upstairs. If you have any questions or special needs, please speak to one of the ushers, who will be glad to assist you.

Flowers – at the high altar this Sunday are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of John Arthur Clark and Harold Rutherford Alexander by Sharon Lloyd Clark.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (January 15th) – will be observed on Monday 21 January this year and will follow the public holiday schedule with Morning Prayer at 9:30 am and Low Mass at 10 am.

The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle (January 25th) – a major feast of the church year will be kept this Friday with Noonday Prayer at 12 noon, and Low Mass following at 12:10 pm.

Rector’s Online Book Group – is still in the process of getting organized! Since the 7 pm Sunday timeslot doesn’t seem to work well for those who have indicated an interest in participating, we are in process of deciding an alternative time. So it’s not too late to join! The format consists of an online discussion of C. S. Lewis's The Great Divorce (1945)— a satiric fantasy novel of a bus ride in the Afterlife. If you would like to participate - or if you'd like to find out more about what's involved – please email, call, or speak to Fr. Alexander ASAP.

Nominations Committee – The following is the list of candidates who have agreed to be nominated for election at the Annual Parish Meeting on January 27, 2019:

· One Vestry Member for a four-year term (expires January 2023) – Sharon Lloyd Clark
· One Vestry Member for a two-year term (expires January 2021) – Leana Latimer Hooks
· Junior Warden (to be elected by Vestry; three year term; expires January 2022) – Alison Huff
· Clerk of the Vestry (one-year term) – Molly Bledsoe Ellis
· Treasurer (one-year term) – Muriel Jobbers
· Two Diocesan Convention Delegates (one-year term) – Francesco Pisaturo, Jacob Ihnen
· Two Diocesan Convention Alternates (one-year term) – Nancy Gingrich, Richard Noble

According to the Parish By-Laws, nominations-by-petition were to be received by the Rector no later than two weeks before the Annual Meeting (i.e., last Sunday) so this is the final slate. Warm thanks to the Nominations Committee for its excellent work!

Winter Break Providence – From Sunday the 13th through Monday the 21st of January, the Guild House is the principal venue for Brown University Swearer Center’s “Winter Break Providence” program, “a weeklong intensive living learning program which explores local issues such as homelessness, urban education, equitable health care, economic justice, incarceration and environmental justice. During the week, students meet with policy makers, service providers, politicians, activists, and community members to better understand both the context for these issues and the skills and commitment required to create meaningful social change.” So, please extend a warm S. Stephen’s welcome to any groups of students you may encounter on the premises during this time! 

College Ministry – The Episcopal Ministry at Brown and RISD (EMBR) will begin its Spring Semester meetings next Sunday, January 27th, at 5:30 pm for Evening Prayer, followed by a meal. All are most welcome and invited!

Annual Parish Meeting Luncheon – As always, we are planning a meal to accompany this important gathering immediately following the 10 am Mass on Sunday 27 January 2019. We need lots of help: from bringing food and drink, to volunteering to help set up beforehand and clean up afterwards. Please sign up on one of the sheets provided in the Narthex or Great Hall; or call or email Susan in the parish office to let us know how you can help. Thanks to all who have volunteered so far!

Royal Martyr Day Celebration – Evening Prayer will be celebrated in commemoration of Charles Stuart, King of England and Martyr (1649) at 6 pm on Wednesday 30 January at the Church of the Holy Nativity in Weymouth, Massachusetts. At the reception following, Fr. Harold Birkenhead, Rector, will sign copies of his new book, Investigating Cromwell: In the Matter of the Murder of King Charles I. Please let Fr. Alexander know if you are interested in traveling to Weymouth to take part in what promises to be an inspiring and memorable evening.

Candlemas – Our joint celebrations of major feasts continue with Mass for the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple at Saint John’s, Newport, on Saturday 2 February at 11 am. The music will feature the “Little Organ Mass” of Joseph Haydn. Fr. Alexander will preach. Please mark it in your diary to attend this principal feast of the Church Year, marking the fortieth day after Christmas.

Requiescat – We have received word of the death on January 15th of Sharon Burdett, who attended S. Stephen’s on and off for a number of years, on both Sundays and weekdays, as well as various parish programs and events: most recently our 2018 Sunday evening Lenten series. An eccentric personality – but well-read, with a keen intellect and inexhaustible curiosity – Sharon never formally joined any of the Providence churches she frequented, but she derived great joy from her participation in worship and parish life. Her ashes are to be interred at Saint Martin’s. Her name will be added to the Year’s Mind list at S. Stephen’s (an exception to our usual policy). Of your charity, please offer a prayer for the repose of her soul.


Prayers have been requested for: Elizabeth, Hannah, Kaitlyn, Mary, Richard, Norman, John, James, Shannah, Terri, Sister Carolyn, Lynne, Fred-Munro, William, Gus, Leonard, Harrington, Joan, Sandy, John, Phebe, Jack, Richard, Ann, Colin, Sandy, Kiersten, Beverly, Deborah, Bryan, Angela, Bobby, Beverly, Allora, Carlos, Rhoda, William, Roger, and James.

Birthdays this week: Danielle Malo (Tuesday 1/22).

The faithful departed: Year’s Mind: John Arthur Clark (20 January 2008), Ellsworth E. R. Wallace (21 January 1987), Ruth B. Bodell (21 January 1985), Gordon Bramwell (22 January 2002), Claire B. Bentley (25 January 1984), and L’Marie Blunt (25 January 1994). Recently Departed: the Rev. Canon Gregory M. Howe; Sharon Burdett. Those in whose memory flowers are given: Harold Rutherford Alexander.

Anglican and Diocesan Cycles of Prayer – In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for the Anglican Church of Australia: The Most Rev’d Philip Leslie Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne & Primate of Australia; in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, for the people and clergy of St. Paul's, North Kingstown and of St. Paul's, Pawtucket and of St. Paul's, Portsmouth.


Ushers – Louis Verdelotti and Joy D’Ambra
Coffee Hour – Leana Hooks and Family



Sunday 13 thru Monday 21 January
Winter Break Providence: Brown University Various Times (Great Hall)

Saturday 26 January
Epiphany Soup Kitchen  2:30 pm (Great Hall)


20 January
Morning Prayer  8 am
Low Mass  8:10 am
Sung Mass  10 am

Daily Mass and Office Lectionaries: Epiphany II, Year One

Monday 21 January
Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304 (R)
Morning Prayer  9:30 am
Low Mass  10 am

Tuesday 22 January
Vincent, Deacon of Saragossa and Martyr, 250 (R)
Noonday Prayer  12 noon
Low Mass  12:10 pm

Wednesday 23 January
Evening Prayer  5:30 pm
Low Mass  6 pm

Thursday 24 January
Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, 1622 (W)
Noonday Prayer  12 noon
Low Mass  12:10 pm

Friday 25 January
Noonday Prayer  12 noon
Low Mass  12:10 pm

Saturday 26 January
Timothy and Titus [and Silas], Companions of Saint Paul (W)
Morning Prayer  9:30 am
Low Mass  10 am

27 January
Morning Prayer  8 am
Low Mass  8:10 am
Solemn Mass  10 am
Evening Prayer w/ EMBR  5:30 pm


Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Year C)
Psalm 19
Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a
Luke 4:14-21