Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sunday 30 September 2018

Jacob de Wit, Moses and the Seventy Elders (1727)
Royal Palace, Amsterdam, Netherlands


In this Sunday’s Gospel, Our Lord issues some exhortations that are disturbing at first glance. “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off … If your foot causes you to sin, cut if off … If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out …” These commands fall into the literary category of hyperbole: exaggerations for effect that are not meant to be taken literally. The Church has never endorsed self-mutilation. Their deeper meaning comes into focus when we consider the biblical symbolism of hands, feet, and eyes—particularly in the Psalms and other poetic books of Scripture. Our hands signify our acts and deeds. Our feet signify the ways in which we walk. And our eyes signify the sights, images, ideas, and goals that give our lives purpose and direction. Hands, feet, and eyes thus sum up the total interaction of our inner person with the outside world. In this passage, Jesus reminds us of our need to consecrate all that we are and do—the works of our hands, the paths in which we walk, the vision we set before our imagination—to the service of God’s kingdom. Letting go of habits that lead us astray and cause us to stumble can be difficult and painful: an impossible task if we rely on ourselves alone. But all things are possible with God—especially in and through the Body into which he calls us as members of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. – Fr. John D. Alexander


Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost – Proper 21, Year B    
Mark 9:38-50


Welcome to S. Stephen’s  especially to our visitors and guests! We’re glad to have you join us. Please join us for Coffee Hour following the 10 a.m. Mass in the Great Hall upstairs. If you have any questions or special needs, please speak to one of the ushers, who will be glad to assist you.

Choir Season – begins this Sunday! We welcome back the Schola Cantorum at the 10 am Mass for another program year. Copies of the 2018-2019 Liturgical Music Prospectus have been mailed out and are available in the Narthex and on the Parish website.

Society of Mary – meets this Saturday, October 6, beginning with Holy Rosary following the 10:00 am Mass and a brief meeting (for coffee and bagels) to follow in the Great Hall. All are welcome and invited to join us.

Memorial Organ Recital – On October 21st, at 5:30 pm, an organ recital at S. Stephen’s will feature Choirmaster and Organist James Busby and guest Kevin Darrow, oboe. With works of J. S. Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, César Franck, Guy Bovet, Joseph-Ermend Bonnal, and Louis Vierne. A reception follows the service. All are most welcome and invited to attend!

Sunday School – is getting organized to begin in October. Thanks to Nancy Carlson and Modu Johnson for stepping forward to teach this year! Anyone else interested in helping out, please speak with them. 

Budget Committee – The Vestry Committee charged with drafting a parish budget for 2019 will begin meeting soon, and needs to include some parishioners who are not Vestry members. Anyone interested in finding out more about this volunteer opportunity, please speak to Treasurer George Ryan or Senior Warden Tom Bledsoe.

Volunteer for Acolyte Rota Fr. Alexander is seeking parishioners young and old who would like to be trained to serve as acolytes for the 10:00 am Mass on Sundays and for special services throughout the year. Please get in touch with him if you are willing or know someone else who would be. Thank you!

Calling all who Love to Cook Each Sunday this academic year, a meal will follow Evening Prayer with the Episcopal Ministry at Brown and RISD. Would you please consider volunteering and signing up to provide a meal for the undergraduate and graduate students at Brown and RISD? The need for meals will begin next Sunday, September 16, at 6:00 pm. We’d be more than happy to have you sit down and eat with us and join in conversation. Thank you!

College Ministry The Episcopal Ministry at Brown and RISD (EMBR) continues next Sunday with Evening Prayer at 5:30, with dinner and conversation to follow. All undergraduate and graduate students are welcome and invited to attend!    


Prayers have been requested for: Richard, Norman, John, Shannah, Sister Carolyn, Lynne, William, Hannah, Kaitlyn, Mary, Gus, Leonard, Harrington, Joan, Sandy, John, Phebe, Ed, Gregory, Jack, Richard, Colin, Sandy, Kiersten, Beverly, Deborah, Bryan, Angela, Bobby, Beverly, Allora, Carlos, Rhoda, William, and James.

Birthdays this week: William Ripley (Sunday 9/30), Mason Butler-Rose (Wednesday 10/3), James Busby (Friday 10/5), and Devan Latimer (Saturday 10/6).

The faithful departed:  Year’s Mind: Daniel Webster Latham (4 October 1986), Madge Lillian Hover Holmes (4 October 1992), and Lawrence W. Seamans (5 October 1987).

Anglican and Diocesan Cycles of Prayer – In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for The Church of the Province of Uganda: The Most Rev’d Stanley Ntagali, Archbishop of Uganda & and Bishop of Kampala; in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, for the people and clergy of St. Francis, Coventry.


Acolytes – MC F Pisaturo, SD W Dilworth, Thurifer L Verdelotti, Crucifer R Noble, Torches G Benziger and K Rejto
Lector – Robyn Noble
Ushers – Nancy Gingrich and Tom Bledsoe
Coffee Hour – Tom and Cathy Bledsoe



Sunday 30 September
Evening Prayer w/ EMBR  5:30 pm (Lady Chapel) 

Sunday 30 September
Online Book Discussion Group  7:00 pm

Saturday 6 October
Society of Mary  10:30 am (Lady Chapel/Great Hall)


Friday 5 October
RUF Meeting  4:00-11:00 pm (Great Hall)

Saturday 6 October
Epiphany Soup Kitchen  2:30 pm (Great Hall)


30 September
Morning Prayer  8:00 am
Low Mass  8:10 am
Solemn Mass  10:00 am
Evening Prayer w/ EMBR  5:30 pm

Daily Mass and Office Lectionaries: Proper 21, Year Two

Monday 1 October
Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, Apostle of the Franks, 533 (W)
Thérèse of Lisieux, Carmelite Nun, Spiritual Writer, 1897 (W)
Evening Prayer  5:30 pm
Low Mass  6:00 pm

Tuesday 2 October
The Holy Guardian Angels (W)
Noonday Prayer  12:00 noon                                         
Low Mass  12:10 pm

Wednesday 3 October
FERIA (G)           
Evening Prayer  5:30 pm
Low Mass  6:00 pm
Thursday 4 October
Francis of Assisi, Friar, Deacon, Founder of the Friars Minor, 1226 (W)
Noonday Prayer  12:00 noon
Low Mass  12:10 pm

Friday 5 October
Noonday Prayer  12:00 noon
Low Mass  12:10 pm

Saturday 6 October
Bruno, Founder of the Carthusian Order, 1101 (W)
Morning Prayer  9:30 am
Low Mass  10:00 am
Holy Rosary  10:30 am

7 October
(Observed) (W)                      
Morning Prayer  8:00 am
Low Mass  8:10 am
Solemn Mass  10:00 am
Evening Prayer w/ EMBR  5:30 pm


Anniversary of the Dedication
Genesis 28:10-22